- 3-636 kcmil, 37 strand all aluminum, (0.918 inch diameter) Orchid, phase conductors, and 1- 1/0 ACSR 6/1, ( 0.398 inch diameter) Raven, neutral, 30 foot test span; 636 kcmil Al phase conductor ratings: 828 amperes SN, 1003 amperes WN, 1150 amperes SE, and 1238 amperes WE; 1/0 ACSR neutral ratings: 316 amperes SN, 366 amperes WN, 368 amperes SE, and 405 amperes WE.
- 3-4.8 kV Delta connected Voltage Sources, and 3- 7.620 kV Wye connected Voltage Sources for three phase conductors.
- Steady State 60 Hz phase currents, 227.8 amperes; i.e. V = I/Zcircuit, where circuit, or phase includes a current loop and an air core reactor; Icircuit = 120 V/ 18.964 ohms = 6.33 amperes, Iloop = 6.33 A x36 turns = 227.8 amperes; where P.F. circuit = 0.747.
- Three air core reactors, #1 coil = .760 P.F., #2 coil = 0.760 P.F. and #3 coil = 0.758 P.F., 6.33 amperes continuous duty x current loop 36 turns = 227.8 amperes.
- #1 coil = 534 turns, #20AWG, #2 coil = 534 turns, #20 AWG, each L = 31.5mH, XL = 11.876 Ω, each R = 13.9Ω, each P.F. = 0.760; #3 coil = 583 turns, #20 AWG, L = 35.2mH, XL = 13.27 Ω, R = 15.4Ω, P.F. = 0.758
- Three phase MVA =√3(13.2kV)(227,8A)=5.208MVa with current loops.
- Three phase MVA=√3(4.8kV)(227,8A)=1.893MVa with current loops.
- 120/208 V Three Phase Wye connected Isolated Generating Source, 17.4 amperes per phase, 6.27 kVA, 5 kW, 0.8 P.F.

Three Phase Isolated Generating Source
 Three Phase Test Span Dead End and Arrester
 Three Single Phase Air Core Reactors and VT's

DSTR Unit Mounted on 636 kcmil Aluminium Conductor