Creative Power Systems (CPS) provides consulting and engineering services for the following categories:

  1. Distributed Generation Product Development in cooperation with high speed generator and gas turbine manufacturers
    1. CPS designed, developed and manufactured the first 500 kVA , 0.8 P.F. high speed generator dual parallel three phase inverter system with a no transformer three wire to four wire “Y” grounded connected system(277/480 volt) driven by a gas turbine engine running at 29,000 rpm which weighed 1/10th the weight of a synchronous genset.
    2. CPS designs and manufacturers flywheel energy storage systems as back-up for UPS.
  2. Interconnection Studies
    1. CPS’s Murray W. Davis authored the 9 sections in the IEEE 1547 Standard for Distributed Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems ( 2000 – 2003) and developed the first EEI 29 Issues of Interconnection and Solutions (1999). Published EEI Interconnection Types – 22 one line diagrams and system protection minimum requirements (1999). Also, CPS cooperated in the writing of “Distributed Resources - American and European Interconnection Requirements “(see published technical paper). Murray W. Davis was the Technical Negotiator for the Small Generator Coalition SGC for FERC and ANOPR “Expediting Interconnection of 2MVA to 20 MVA Distributed Generation”, and has conducted classes on “What do the IEEE Standards 1547 and 1547.1 Say?/ What are the Issues/ Concerns/Comments?”. See list of 35 Published Distributed Generation Technical Papers.
    2. CPS has and continues to perform interconnection studies and facilities studies for clients to interconnect distributed generation to distribution circuits and transmission lines (see list of published technical papers).
  3. Distribution Automation System Design and Implementation
    1. As Project Director for developing and implementing the Detroit Edison distribution automation system (DAS), the largest system in the world was completed from (1986 – 1997), representing 6000 MW of DAS with the greatest number(17) of automated functions.
    2. CPS continues to be at the forefront in advising the development of DAS, especially including the interconnection of Distributed Generation to distribution circuits.
  4. Transmission and Distribution Line Monitoring Products ( powered from the line current, no batteries or solar cells) and Powernostics® Software
    1. CPS has developed, manufacturers, and sells 18 new products ( 37 patents and patents pending) comprising of line mounted sensor –transmitter- receiver (STR) Units for distribution circuits and transmission lines which monitor in real time up to 24 line conductor parameters and environmental parameters. These Units can be installed in most cases without a line shut down using specially designed hotsticks. These products were developed over a 37 year period for the transmission Units and a 9 year period for distribution Units and replace up to 10 typical electric utility legacy systems at less than 4% of the cost of those systems. These systems include weather stations, power quantity monitoring, power quality monitoring, lightning stroke monitoring, fault recording and transfer trip schemes, photo capture of line faults and lightning strokes, overhead line real time thermal rating systems, overhead line sags, and conductor icing calculations, and circuit re – configuration and control of line equipment and generation.
    2. The Powernostics® Software diagnosis problems with the electric power systems based on the measured parameters sent from these STR Units, sends alert signals to system operation centers (SOC), and may be used to perform transfer trip and other control functions.
    3. CPS provides a consulting service to recommend locations to install these STR Units on T&D systems including on – site surveys.
  5. High Voltage (dc and ac) and High Current (dc and ac) Testing
    1. CPS has in – house facilities to perform high voltage and high current testing of customers’ products. For a detailed list of test equipment click on the FACILITIES Tab located in the Navigation Bar.
    2. Below is a summary list of dc test equipment.
      • Up to 120 kV dc steady state power supply equipment
      • Up to 1,080,000 volts Impulse ( +/- polarity), also 400 kV and 500 kV ( +/- polarity)
    3. Below is a summary list of ac test equipment.
      • Up to 1525 ampere 60 Hz ac current source, indoor OH 33 foot single phase test span
      • Up to 2500 ampere 60 Hz ac current source, indoor OH 33 foot single phase test span
      • Up to 50,000 ampere 60 Hz ac fault current (multi-step settings) test bench
      • Three phase 60 Hz ac voltage and current , independent or simultaneous sources, indoor OH 33 foot test span

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